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Dominoes game

Dominoes game

Domino is a game in which you build a chain of dice. There are several varieties of dominoes, the most famous one uses 28 rectangular plates, divided into two halves with marked dots. Placing the dice, the players connect halves of the same value. The goal of the game is to place all the tiles before the rest of the participants.

Game history

The homeland of dominoes is Ancient China, the game is still popular in this country, but the Chinese version is different from the European one. In the XIII century, dominoes were brought to Italy and adapted, in particular, empty bones appeared. The monks were the first to master the game, then it came to France and England. By the 18th century, dominoes were played in all European countries. At that time, chips were made of ivory or cheaper materials, and there was a round inlay with dots in the center. Probably, the name "domino" arose by analogy with the black and white winter clothes of Dominican monks.

Now the peak of the popularity of this game has passed, but the dominoes are not leaving the arena. In 2003 the World Championship was held. The first honorary president of the World Cup in Havana was Juan Antonio Samaranch, ex-president of the International Olympic Committee. The competition was attended by 336 representatives from 17 countries, the Cuban duo won.

Interesting Facts

  • In the East, there are about fifty domino games. Some of them surprise with poetic names: "Carnations in the Fog", "Entering the Pagoda", "Leap of the Gazelle". The Chinese domino was transformed into Manjong.
  • The American Eskimos have a domino-like dice game. This confirms the ancient ties between China and America.
  • Domino is closely related to dice. Half-dice are nothing more than a combination that occurs when you roll two dice.
  • The game was brought to Europe by Marco Polo. During his travels, dominoes were very popular in China.

Dominoes is an addicting game that allows you to escape from business and worries. Play and don't forget to shout "Fish!"

How to play dominoes

How to play Dominoes

A set of dominoes consists of 28 tiles. Rectangular tiles are split in half along the obverse. Each part contains dots ranging from zero to six. The players form a chain of dice, placing them in turn.

The game can be attended by two to four participants. If there are two players, they receive seven dice each, for three and four players, five pieces are required. The rest of the bones remain in reserve.

  • The player who has a 1: 1 double or any other ascending move goes first. It is forbidden to move from 0: 0. If there is no double, start with the lowest bone, for example 0: 1.
  • The next players lay out dice with the number of dots in the outermost piece. Let's say there is a 1: 3 chip on the table, dice with 1 or 3 points will fit to it.
  • If the player does not have the necessary bone, he takes the spare until he finds the necessary one or the reserve runs out. In this case, the move goes to the next one.

The game ends when one of the players lays out the last die. After that, the points on the bones that remain on the hands should be calculated - they go to the winner's asset. By agreement, the game lasts up to 200, 300 or 500 points. A 0: 0 double is worth 25 points if it is the only bone left by the player. In other cases, this bone is not counted.

The fish variant happens when the reserve is empty, the players have bones, but no one can continue the game. The winner goes to the one with fewer points on his hands. The winner's points are deducted from the amount.

Game tips

  • Of the 28 dice, seven are "of the same suit", for example 1: 0, 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3, 1: 4, 1: 5, 1: 6. You can guess how many dice players have left and are in reserve. Count the dice on the table and use this knowledge to win.
  • In most cases, the winner is the one who flattens the knuckle first. If you manage not to skip moves and collect dominoes from the stock, the chances will increase.
  • The most spectacular ending of the game is “fish”. It's good if you manage to complete the snake with knuckles, which are not in the hands of opponents. Watch out for your opponents.
  • Try to fold the big dice and the 0-0 take.

Dominoes are a game of chance in which winning depends not only on luck. Try to understand the patterns, be careful, and you will definitely win!